
wall-in-bethlehemThe groundwork for the “PIJP” was laid in 2001 when global missionaries Peter and Mary Davies challenged the United Methodist Bishop, John Hopkins, to begin a peace for Palestine movement in Minnesota.  With the Bishop’s recommendation, the Rev. Dwight Haberman became the inaugural chairperson of what soon became the Palestine Israel Justice Project.

Under Dwight’s leadership and several of his successors, PIJP has offered countless opportunities to experience “life on the ground” in Palestine and Israel, and to stress commitment to action through public forums, meetings with government officials, and promoting peace with justice legislation in the United Methodist Church.

Building on the tireless efforts of our team members over the last decade, the Palestine Israel Justice Project is now reaching new people and cultivating spiritual vitality through prayer and action.  In the last year alone, our members have produced a comprehensive curriculum, sponsored a variety of events, and established this new website as  what we hope will become a most useful tool in our continuing education clearinghouse.